Ready, set, let's go!
Follow these steps to start understanding your money better

Tag your money
Assign a category when paying. Use our colour coded icons to help you stay on top of day to day spend.

Track your money
Use detailed but friendly charts and graphs to get simple snap-shots of your spending anytime.

Know your money
Get periodic statements with your payments organized the way you categorize them.
At last, tool that actually makes cents!
We do all the heavy lifting so you don't have to.

Less work, better budgets
Tag your transactions by selecting the right category when you pay, then look through your expenses for the week or month to get a clear picture of your spending habits over time.

Looking at your money can be fun
Simple charts and graphs show you how much went towards different categories. Did you spend more on fuel than you should have last month? Consider cutting costs elsewhere so you can keep driving.

Level up your life
Where you spend your money shows you what you value most and a value-based budget is easier to stick with. Insights help you identify and spend more on the things you love.

Stay on track
It's hard to keep up with different tools over time. We know…we've tried. Insights help you identify trends in your spending so you can keep making adjustments.
Less guilt, more peace of mind
The more you use Insights, the more you understand your money, identify what to prioritise and edge closer to your financial goals.
Select from over 15 categories to sort your payments
"Smart tagging" of repeat payments to places you visit often
Easy to use & hassle free
Get organized intuitive visual summaries of all your transactions
Available for your main account & all your Jars
“Tracking my expenses has helped me save 15% more than before helping me overcome the fear of regularly spending money on things I love like groceries.”
-Nimu, Recovering Supersaver