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A better experience for you & your customers

The simplest digital money solution that considers your needs

Mobile-First Payments

Embrace a mobile-first approach to payments with Tulix. Our supplementary wallets let you collect and manage funds effortlessly.

Effortless Digital Onboarding

Turn any mobile number into a merchant collection account in just 5 minutes. Say goodbye to complex account opening processes.

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Free Collections

Receive payments without the burden of fees. Tulix offers free collections, making it easier for your business.

Real-Time Transactions

Stay ahead with real-time data on all transactions and activity. Tulix provides you with the insights you need to succeed.

From Our Blog

Money And Your Mind: Five Concepts

Money And Your Mind: Five Concepts

The “psychology of money” is about understanding how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to money affect our financial well-being....

Tulix Team
How Diaspora Communities Support Kenyans Living Abroad

How Diaspora Communities Support Kenyans Living Abroad

While living abroad can be an adventure, many Kenyans abroad experience loneliness and work multiple jobs that may not be as prestigious to ...

Tulix Team
How to Send Money for School Fees From Abroad on Tulix

How to Send Money for School Fees From Abroad on Tulix

With Tulix, you can send a voucher that can be spent at any of the schools in Kenya that accept M-PESA!...

Tulix Team
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